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Development Events

The content - Modern leadership ideas and solutions for business leaders and leadership practitioners as they navigate the Future of Work

The schedule - Thursdays at 2-2:45pm E

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Leadership Development Event

The next event - Discover more about an event, date, content and topics.

The cost - Because it's about the modern leadership community, there isn't any.

The Big Roar
The Big Roar
Leadership Excellence brings prowess to Analytics and Analytics brings prowess to Leadership Excellence. What does this mean? How does it work? Describe the connection to Leadership to Business Impact Analytics.
Jan 16, 2025, 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM EST
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Leadership Development Community

The community - Includes business leaders and leadership practitioners.

The purpose - Shift stodgy-old leadership mindsets and deliver uplifting-new leadership value.

Watch Previous
Leadership Development Events

The first volume - Recorded events and reels from 2021-2022
The second volume - Recorded events and reels from 2022-2023

The third volume - Recorded events and reels from 2023-2024


Why has the connection between Leader growth + Business growth not been made? Why are they served separately? How are they served separately? Does this create challenges and problems? How so?


When it comes to Leadership Development, what are ‘industry norms?’ What, really, do they tell us? Do we settle for them? How so? Is there a better pathway? If so, what is it? What are pathway cornerstones?


What happens when a Business serves all roles on the Leadership Bench? Can ‘simple elegance’ exist in the space? How so? What happens to a Business that gets serious about hire-to-retire Leadership Development? What happens to associated Leaders?

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